SWIP-NYC Essay Prize
SWIP-NYC holds an annual essay prize competition for graduate students who are women, or who identify or have ever been identified as women. The annual call for paper goes out at the beginning of the spring semester. The winner is invited to present their paper in NYC in the second half of the spring semester. Papers in all areas of philosophy are welcome.
Submissions are now open for the 2025 edition of the SWIP-NYC Essay Prize.

Past Winners
2024: Eleanor Jerome (CUNY), “Where Ethics and Aesthetics Diverge: Reconsidering the Objection from Creepiness,” and Audrey Powers (Rutgers University), “Supervenience Objections to Moral Contingentism”
2023: Abigail Rose Breuker (Columbia University), “Plato on Community and Moral Luck: the stories of Gyges and the Cave,” and Lauren Somers (New York University), “Worries about Ameliorative Engineering”
2022: Yiran Hua (Brown University), “On Being a Good Friend to a Bad Person,” and Saikeerthi “Rani” Rachavelpula (Columbia University), “Modelling Morality: A Kantian Account of Moral Examples”
2021: Carolina Flores (Rutgers University), “Changing Minds with Style,” and Eliana Peck (CUNY Graduate Center), “Performed Credibility Assignments as Epistemic Violence”