Sue Weinberg Lectures

The Sue Weinberg Lectures are convened in memory of Dr. Sue Weinberg, a long term chair and founding member of NYSWIP. The lectures showcase work in feminist philosophy and cognate areas. Usually, there are two lectures or panels per academic year.

Spring/Summer 2024

June 5, 4-6pm EDT on zoom: Alia Al-Saji (McGill), “Is it Time to Think Philosophy through Gaza? Making colonial duration hesitate” Register here!

For information about Sue Weinberg lectures from 2020 to the present, visit the SWIP-NYC Archive page. For information about previous Sue Weinberg lectures from 1993-2019, visit the NYSWIP Sue Weinberg Lectures Archive page.

Sue Weinberg Scholarship

In 2009, Hunter College established a scholarship in honor or Sue Weinberg, NYSWIP’s long-time chair. Recipients are undergraduates at Hunter majoring in philosophy who are recommended by philosophy faculty and have financial need. To contribute to this scholarship click here and scroll down under ‘Designation’ to the ‘Sue Weinberg Fund.’