NYSWIP Sue Weinberg Lectures Archive

May 10, 2019
A lecture in honor of Eileen O’Neill (1953-2017)
Karen Detlefsen (UPenn), “Feminist Historiography: Genre, Method, and the Scope of Philosophy”
Allauren Forbes (University of Pennsylvania)
commentator Gary Ostertag (CUNY Graduate Center and Nassau Community College) commentator
Julie Zilberberg (CUNY Graduate Center PhD) will moderate the discussion.

September 12, 2018
Book Salon on Rape and Resistance by Linda Alcoff (CUNY and Hunter)
Co-sponsored, with The CUNY Graduate Center

Thursday, March 8th, 2018
Panel: Women in Philosophy: Publishing, Jobs, and Fitting In
Elizabeth Harman (Princeton University)
Serene Khader (Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate Center)
Jennifer Morton (City College of New York, CUNY)
In collaboration with SWIP-Analytic

November 27, 2017
Miranda Fricker (CUNY Graduate Center), “Forgiveness: Its Powers and Corruptions”
Myisha Cherry (University of Illinois and Harvard University), commentator

November 15, 2017
Panel: Incarceration, Gender and Philosophy
Christia Mercer (Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University)
Susannah Karlsson (Special Litigation Attorney with Brooklyn Defender Services)
Aisha Elliott (Formerly Incarcerated Advocate for Prison Abolition)

Monday, April 3rd, 2017
Panel: Philosophy in the Age of Black Lives Matter
Linda Alcoff (Hunter College and the Graduate Center)
Charles Mills (CUNY Graduate Center)

Monday, March 27, 2017
Naomi Zack (University of Oregon), “Starting from Injustice: Political Theory for the Disadvantaged”

Friday, February 10, 2017
Panel: Women in Philosophy: Publishing, Jobs and Fitting In
Elise Crull (City College), Una Stojnic (NYU), Denise Vigani (Drew University)
Co-Sponsored with SWIP-Analytic

December 2, 2016
Susan Brison (Philosophy, Dartmouth University), “Why Rape Is Not Sex Minus Consent”

October 28, 2016
Anne Barnhill (Dept. of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania) and Jessica Martucci (Fellow in Advanced Biomedical Ethics at the University of Pennsylvania), “Public Health Skepticism and Respect for Women’s Voices” 

May 20, 2016
Lori Watson (University of San Diego), “Interrogating ‘Sex Work’”

Mar 23, 2016
Gina Schouten (Illinois State University), “Stereotype Threat in Philosophy: Is it a Problem and What Should We Do If It Is?”

September 18, 2015
Panel in Honor of Anne Donchin
Lisa Eckenwhiler (George Mason University), Serene Khader (Brooklyn College), and Georgina Campelia (The Graduate Center, CUNY).

April 17, 2015
Eva Kittay (Stony Brook University), “The Completion of Care: A Normative Theory of Care”
Georgina Campelia (The Graduate Center, CUNY), commentator

October 24, 2014
Christia Mercer (Columbia University), “Feeling Our Way to Truth: Women, Reason, and the Real Story about Early Modern Rationalism”
Jessica Gordon Roth (Lehman College), commentator

September 19, 2014
Kristie Dotson (Michigan State University), “Beloved Communities: Toni Morrison on Genesis of Philosophical Creativity”

November 22, 2013
Virginia Held (the Graduate Center, CUNY), “Justice and Care, Still?”
Cara O’Connor (SUNY Stony Brook), commentator

October 15, 2013 
Panel: The New Translation of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex 
Translators Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier and commentary by Debra Bergoffen, moderated by Kyoo Lee. 

May 3, 2013
Lectures in Honor of Ruth Barcan Marcus
Delia Graff Fara (Princeton), Karen Lewis (Barnard/Columbia), Sun-Joo Shin (Yale), and Maya Eddon (UMass Amherst)

December 7, 2012
Rebecca Kukla (Professor of Philosophy and Senior Research Scholar, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University), “Mandatory Fetal Ultrasound and the Politics
of Visual Representation”
Julie Zilberberg (Independent Scholar, CUNY), “Sex Selection and Restricting Abortion and Sex Selection”

April 27, 2012
Diana Meyers (Loyola University Chicago), “Rethinking Coercion for a World of Poverty and Exploitation”

March 2, 2012
Panel: Occupy Wall Street: Women in Philosophy Respond
Kathy Miriam (Independent Scholar), Jennifer Uleman (SUNY Purchase), Cinzia Amuzza (New School), Rachel McKinney (the Graduate Center, CUNY)

November 18, 2011
Conference in Honor of Gertrude Ezorsky
“Welcome,” Julia Wrigley (Vice Chancellor of CUNY)
“Welcome,” Julie Zilberberg (CUNY)
Nanette Funk (Brooklyn College, CUNY), “On Gertrude Ezorsky”
Panel One: Racism, Affirmative Action, and Ethics
David Lyons (Boston University Law School), “Was Slavery Lawful in Colonial Virginia?”
Bernard Boxill (University of North Carolina), “Compensatory Justice”
Frances Kamm (Harvard), “Analytic Philosophy and Fairness”
Chair: Nanette Funk (Brooklyn College, CUNY)
Panel Two: Women and the University, Freedom, Punishment, and Politics
Deborah E. Lipstadt (Emory University), “Ezorsky on Arendt on Eichmann”
Sibyl Schwarzenbach (Baruch College & The Graduate Center, CUNY), “Women and the University”
Andrew Wengraf (Brooklyn College, CUNY), “Ezorsky on Freedom: A Review”
Tziporah Kasachkoff (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and The Graduate Center, CUNY), “On Punishment”
Stephen Shalom (William Paterson University), “Gertrude Ezorsky: From Left Democratic Socialist to Left Democratic Socialist”
Chair: Julie Zilberberg (CUNY)
Closing remarks: Nanette Funk (Brooklyn College, CUNY) 

March 18, 2011
Uma Narayan (Vassar College), “The Strange Popularity of Oppressed Third World Women in the Political Imaginary”
Commentary by Jordan Pascoe (CUNY and John Jay) 

Oct. 29, 2010
A Conference in Honor of Sue Weinberg (1925-2010)
Introduction and Welcome, Nanette Funk (Brooklyn College)
Panel I: Women and Gender in the History of Philosophy
Anne Marie Keyes (Marymount Manhattan), “Our Project on the Writings of Lady Damaris Cudworth Masham”
Eileen O’Neill (UMass Amherst), “Early Modern Views on the Equality of the Sexes”
Panel II: Early Modern Philosophy
Alan Gabbey (Barnard), “Locke and Reid on Personal Identity”
Rafaella DeRosa (Rutgers, Newark), “Descartes on Sensory Representation”
Enrique Chavez-Arvizo (John Jay), discussant
Panel III: Teaching the History of Philosophy and Incorporating Women Philosophers into the Curriculum
Christia Mercer (Columbia University), “Incorporating Female Figures in the Curriculum”
Laura Keating (Hunter), “Sue’s Contribution at Hunter”
Sue as Mentor
Karin Brown (San Jose State University)
Margaret Cuonzo (Montclair)
Lisa Dolling (Stevens Institute)
Michelle DeMateis (CUNY)
Amanda Favia (CUNY)
Ornaith O’Dowd (CUNY)
Kamili Posey (CUNY)
Dorothy Rogers (Montclair)
Sophia Wong (Long Island University)
Julie Zilberberg (CUNY)
Amy Baehr (Hofstra), moderator
Panel IV: Feminist Philosophy
Nancy Fraser (New School), “Reflections on Feminist Philosophy”
Kathleen Wallace (Hofstra), moderator

April 16, 2010
Panel: Feminism and Capitalism
Ann Cudd (U Kansas) and Nancy Holmstrom (Rutgers Newark)

October 23, 2009                  
Linda Alcoff (Philosophy, Hunter College, CUNY), “Sotomayor’s Reasoning”

March 13, 2009
Elizabeth Harman (Philosophy Department and University Center for Human Values, Princeton University), “How Can we Blame the Honest Sexist, Homophobe, or Abortion Opponent?: Do False but Justified Beliefs Get Them Off the Hook?”

April 24, 2009
Third Wave Feminism: A Panel Discussion
Linda Nicholson (Susan E. and William P. Stiritz Distinguished Professor of Women’s Studies, Professor of History, Washington University in St. Louis)
Jennifer Baumgardner (Author and Activist)
Serene Khader (Philosophy and Women’s Studies, Wheaton College)

November 21, 2008
Karen Detlefsen (Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania), “Women and Institutions in the History of Natural Philosophy: Cavendish and du Chatelet – Two Case Studies”

October 24, 2008
Anne O’Byrne (Department of Philosophy, SUNY at Stony Brook), “What Does It Mean to Be Born Today?: Arendt on Birth in the Modern Age” 

April 11, 2008
Ishani Maitri (Philosophy and Women’s Studies, Rutgers University), “What Speech Does: Racist Speech & Its Uses” 

March 14, 2008
Panel: Women, Philosophy & Hegel 
Anelica Nuzzo (Brooklyn College), Chair and Discussant 
Mitchell Aboulafia (Juliard School), “What if Hegel’s Master & Slave were Women?” 
Jean Schroeder (Cardozo, Yeshiva University), “Hegel, Lacan, Property & the Feminine” 

November 9, 2007
Louise Antony (Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst), “Is Diversity an Epistemic Value?” 

October 12, 2007
Joan Tronto (Political Science, Hunter and CUNY Graduate Center), “Caring Democracy” 

May 4, 2007
Panel: Gender and Borders: Law’s Migration and Democratic Iterations 
Seyla Benhabib (Political Science and Philosophy, Yale) 
Judith Resnik (Law, Yale) 

March 16, 2007
Panel: Women, Philosophy, and Kant
Angelica Nuzzo (Philosophy, Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate Center)
Jennifer Uleman (Philosophy, SUNY Purchase) 
Lisabeth During (Philosophy, Pratt Institute) 
Commentator: Ornaith O’Dowd (Philosophy, Brooklyn College) 

November 10, 2006
Panel: Women in Academia: Are We Advancing? 
Virginia Valian (Psychology and Linguistics, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center) 
Elizabeth Minnich (Senior Fellow, Ass. Of Am. Colleges and Universities) 
Barbara Andrew (Philosophy, William Patterson University) 

October 13, 2006
Alison M. Jaggar (Philosophy and Women’s Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder), “The Poorest of the Poor: Justice and the Feminization of Global Poverty” 

April 28, 2006
Amy Allen, “The Politics of Ourselves: Power, Autonomy, and Gender in Contemporary Critical Theory” 

March 3, 2006
Panel: Gender and Globalization 
Ann Ferguson (Philosophy and Women’s Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst) , “Women, Globalization, and Global Justice” 
Hester Eisenstein (Sociology, Queens College and CUNY Graduate Center), “Globalization, Empire, and the Women’s Movement: Complicity or Resistance?” 

November 4, 2005
Kimberly Yuracko (Law, Northwestern), “Private Nurses and Playboy Bunnies: Explaining Permissable Sex Discrimination” 

October 7, 2005
Sandra Lee Bartky (Philosophy and Women’s Studies, University of Illinois, Chicago), “The Experiential and Emotional Roots of Feminist Philosophical Papers” 
Sophia Wong (Philosophy, Long Island University), commentator 

April 15, 2005
Panel: Care Ethics Goes Global 
Robin Isserlies (Sociology, Borough of Manhattan Community College), “Development as Human Flourishing: Toward a Political Culture of Care”
Eva Kittay (SUNY, Stony Brook) spoke on a WHO-Funded Project on Care 
Fiona Robinson (Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa), “Beyond Labor Rights: Care Ethics and Women’s Work in the Global Economy”

March 18, 2005
Alison Wylie (Women’s Studies and Philosophy, Barnard and Columbia), “Doing Research in the Social Sciences As a Feminist”
Patricia Clough (Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center), respondent

November 5, 2004
Linda C. McClain (Law, Hofstra), “Negotiating Gender and (Free and Equal) Citizenship: the Place of Associations”

October 8, 2004
Sandra Lee Bartky (Women’s Studies and Philosophy, University of Il., Chicago) 

March 5, 2004
Margaret Walker (Philosophy, Arizona State University, Tempe), “Forgiving” 

April 16, 2004
Panel: the Status of Women in Philosophy – Problems of Inclusion and Exclusion 
Rosemarie Tong (Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte) 
Nancy Tuana (Philosophy, Penn State) 

November 14, 2003
Claudia Card (Philosophy, University of Wisconsin), “Making War on Terrorism After 9/11” 

October 3, 2003
Laura Purdy (Philosophy, Wells College), “Politics and Beyond: Medicalizations and Women’s Reproductive Decisions”

April 25, 2003
Panel: Queer Theory 
Jana Sawicki (Philosophy and Women’s Studies, Williams College) 
Michael Murray (Philosophy, Vassar College) 
Dean Spade (Founder: Sylvia Rivera Legal Resource Program of the Urban Justice Center) 

March 7, 2003
Lori Gruen (Philosophy, Wesleyan University), “Women, Environment, and Development: A Multicultural Environmental Approach”

October 4, 2002
Martha Fineman (Emory University), “The Autonomy Myth”

November 8, 2002
Sally Haslanger (MIT), “Oppressions: Racial and Other”
Respondent: Anna Stubblefield 

April 12, 2002
Panel: Global Feminism 
Rada Ivekovic (University of Paris) 
Ratna Kapur (Georgetown University Law Center) 
Fahima Varquez (Activist in RAWA) 

March 1, 2002
Maria Pia Lara (Autonomous University, Mexico City), “Globalizing Women’s Rights”

November 16, 2001
Gwendolyn Mink, “Reforming Welfare Reform”

October 12, 2001
Anne Donchin (Indiana University), “Designed Descendants: Puzzles about Personal Autonomy in the Biotech Age”

Spring 2001
Gail Weiss (Philosophy, George Washington U.), “Are Myths Indispensable? Rethinking Myths and Reality”

Spring 2001
Panel: Women and Economics 
Nancy Folbre (U. Mass Amherst) 
Julie Nelson (Harvard Div. School) 

Spring 2001
Patricia Smith (Philosophy, Brooklyn College), “Motherhood and In-Subordination: Thoughts on Cultural Revolution, Overpopulation, and Political Reform”

November 17, 2000
Elizabeth Grosz (SUNY Buffalo), “Sexuality, Pleasure, and Power” 

October 13, 2000
Jane Roland Martin (UMass Boston, em.), “Academic Women: What Price Belonging?”

March 17, 2000
Elisabeth Lloyd (Indiana University), “Objectivity: A Double Standard?”

April 14, 2000
Frances Kamm (NYU), “Jean Hampton on Self and Society”

November 12, 1999
Kelly Oliver (SUNY Stony Brook), “The Look of Love: Toward a New Conception of Vision” 

October 29, 1999
Mary Hawkesworth (Rutgers), “Democratization: Reflections on Gendered Dislocations in the Public Sphere” 

March 12, 1999 
Margaret Simons (Southern Illinois University), “De Beauvoir’s 1927 Diary, and Sartre: Reopening the Question of Influence”

April 30, 1999
Nancy Hirschmann (Cornell), “The Social Construction of Women’s Choices” 

November 20, 1998
Vicki Schultz (Yale Law), “Reconceptualizing Sexual Harassment” 

October 30, 1998 
Nel Noddings (Teachers College), “Care and Social Policy” 

February 27, 1998 
Panel: Feminism and Philosophy of Science 
Karen Barad (Pomona College) 
Naomi Oreskes (NYU) 
Marueen Linder (U. Mich. Dearborn) 

March 27, 1998
Linda Nicholson (SUNY Albany), “I am Modern, Hear Me Roar: The Rise of the Psychological Self” 

October 17, 1997 
Uma Narayan (Vasser), “The Essence of Culture and a Sense of History: A Feminist Critique of Cultural Essentialism”

November 14, 1997
Susan Brison (Dartmouth), “The Aftermath of Violence: Traumatic Memory And the Politics of Forgetting”

April 4, 1997
Sara Ruddick (New School), “Ideals of Fatherhood”
Respondent: Hilde Nelson (U. of Tenn.) 

March 7, 1997
Panel: Feminist Aesthetics 
Hilde Hein (Holy Cross) 
Carol Armstrong (CUNY Graduate Center) 
Barbara Savedoff (Baruch)

November 15, 1996
Nancy Fraser (New School), “Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics”

October 15, 1996
Iris Young (U. of Pittsburgh), “Difference as a Resource in Democratic Communication” 

April 18, 1996
Panel: Women of Color in Philosophy 
Anita Allen (Georgetown Law) 
Uma Narayan (Vassar) 
Graduate and Undergraduate Students 

March 1, 1996
Carol Gould (Stevens Institute), “Embodied Politics”
Respondent Nancy Holmstrom (Rutgers) 

November 2, 1995
Jessica Benjamin (psychoanalyst, NYU and New School) 
Discussion of Diana Meyers’ Subjection and Subjectivity 
Respondents: Diana Meyers (U. Connecticut) 
Robin Dillon (Lehigh) 

October 13, 1995
Eva Kittay (SUNY Stony Brook), “Dependency Work, Political Discourse and a New Basis for Coalition Among Women”
Barbara Omalade (City College), respondent

May 5, 1995
Rosi Braidotti (U. of Utrecht), “Nomadic Subjects”

April 6, 1995
Linda Alcoff (Syracuse), “Are Feminist Critiques of Reason Rational?”
Respondent: Maureen Linker (CUNY Graduate Center) 

March 3, 1995
Margaret Walker (Fordham), “Feminist Skepticism, Authority and Transparency”

Fall 1994 
Annette Baier (Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh), “Hume”
Virginia Held (Philosophy, Hunter College), “Who’s Agenda? Feminist Ethics and Cognitive Science”

Spring 1994 
Sarah Burns (NYU Law), “Sexual Harassment in Employment”
Maria Lugones (SUNY Binghampton), “Women of Color: Boundary Drawing and Hostility Among Us” 

Fall 1993 
Helen Longino, “Report on Women in Academia – Statistics, Fields/Ranks”
Eileen O’Neill, “Women Philosophers”