NYSWIP History
The New York Society for Women in Philosophy (NYSWIP) was founded in 1993 to provide a platform for feminist philosophy and to support women doing philosophy in the New York City region. Over its 27 year history, NYSWIP’s speaker series (now called The Sue Weinberg Lectures) has featured many of the most important philosophers working in the feminist tradition. Since 2009, NYSWIP’s workshop (SWIPshop) has provided a forum for the nurture of younger philosophers through discussion of works in progress. NYSWIP has been sustained by the efforts of scores of women philosophers over the years – by the vision of its founders and program committee members, by the brilliance of the philosophers who presented their work, by the diligence of its administrators (who stuffed envelopes, kept mailing lists, designed flyers), and by the hospitality of those who hosted potluck business meetings and reading groups. The merger between NYSWIP and SWIP-Analytic will provide a firm foundation for The Sue Weinberg Lectures and SWIPshop going forward.Text to be added.
A record of past NYSWIP events over the course of its more than two decades long history can be found here.